Monday, January 14, 2013

They're Out to Get You!

What is it with conspiracy theorists?  What compels them to come up with these elaborate, outlandish tales?  What makes an Alex Jones tick?  Obviously, he's paranoid and obsessive, but why?

It isn't as if the phenomenon is new.  Large groups of people have fallen prey to it--like the Middle Ages folk who killed Jews because they believed they were poisoning wells and using Christian babies in their religious rites.  Ignorance is obviously part of the problem.  So is the need for pat answers, for nothing to be random, for everything to fit into a pattern, however tortuous.  High drama, Hollywood level, is also a component.

Fio suspects we all have a bit of the conspiracy theorist in us, an urge to explain the unexplainable in terms of human intervention, but some people got a bigger dose than others.  Alex Jones got an elephant load.

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