Thursday, January 17, 2013

Better Communication

Fiorella wants to communicate better with Sonia, or rather, she wants Sonia to communicate better with her.  Okay--the deep bark means there's a stranger on the property, but that irritating yelp she emits can mean anything from her being sleepy to needing food to being in pain.  Therefore Fio proposes that from now on Sonia use the following system of vocalization:

One yelp:  I want food
Two yelps: My water bowl is empty.
Three yelps: I want to go outside.
Four yelps:  I am in pain (accompanied by licking of involved area)
Five yelps:  Mommy, where are you?

Hurling herself against the back door will still indicate, as it does now, that she wants in, and staring at the pantry door will continue to signal she wants a treat. However, instead of Sonia yelping when she is tired, Fio would rather she just curl up and go to sleep.  And, please--no more intruding between Fio and her laptop screen.

Fiorella will post these instructions on the refrigerator tomorrow and keep you informed of the situation.


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