Thursday, July 20, 2023


 Your girl is wearing her father's high school shirt today--Osceola Mills--to remember him. He was the high school favorite and an athletic hero, which was quite an achievement for someone who failed first grade--probably because his parents spoke another language at home. (Maybe that's why Fio is drawn to languages: because she heard the story when she was a child.)

 Hart to Hart: Fiorella has been watching the TV show to pass the time, but it's getting boring....and a little stupid. Anyone got any other show you can pass on to your girl? Any show but the big white cat that is, which has just jumped into into Fio's lap and is looking at her adoringly. (But one cannot live by adoring cats alone.)

ZOUNDS! Why didn't your girl tell you about the painting she is shaping up, and Fio says "shape up" because she started it about twenty years ago, then packed it away in a box when moving.

 Fio just found out that Son K is even more bedridden than she is!   😓😓


 German: krank (sick) the "a" is "ah.



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