Tuesday, July 4, 2023


 Aha! Your girl is flying high--she just remembered that she had actually taken a semester of German with not only a teacher and a full class, but also with her next-door-neighbor, a German woman just off the boat who was determind to get Fio to the top of the class--and she did! 

Yes, Fiorella loves languages, but right now, all she hears around her is English. WHAT IS SHE BEING PUNISHED FOR? Just give her the chance and she could probably pick up not only German, but Spanish, which is derived from Latin, which your girl took in high school. 

Fio is having trouble writing right now because George, the big, beautiful, white cat who loves her wants to express himself by purring loudly and refusing to allow her to type with more than one hand at a time. (The other hand, of course, was reserved for petting him.)

Your girl was leafing through some old photographs and came across one that featured her late husband, which made her cry--first because she had almost forgotten what he looked like, second, because she missed him so, and third because there are so any things Fio can't do as a loner--not even get to church.

GERMAN: nict/not,  haben/have/  heute/today (heute is pronounced  h O I t a)


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