Sunday, December 11, 2022

Tragedy List

 Tomorrow is a new day, as 'tis said, but Fiorella is going to have to brave it out with a minimum of milk, her favorite liquid, because when she went out to get groceries this afternoon, she forgot to add it to her list. Dang! Fio's milk cache can only last through today and probably till noon tomorrow, but after that, she'll have to drink Canada Dry....

On the other hand, the journey to HEB wasn't a total loss. The long flashlight that Fiorella bought in Walmart got back to the house without a scratch, so now's hoping that your girl can get down on her back and start checking under the bed for (1) her good eye glasses and (2) her $400 shoe inserts.

In the meantime, let's also look at the mystery of the sheet of silver paper that Fio bought in Walmart and which, like her milk, was also discovered missing when she got back to her house. Hmm....weren't there a couple of burly guys milling around Fiorella's car when she and her driver were trying to load it?

Son L and wife vary nicely invited your girl their Christmas tree "trimming ceremony" in the den, but it was hard for Fio to see ornaments she had inherited or bought or made in someone else's hands...or tossed aside.  

The closer Christmas gets, the more your girl wants to sing Christmas carols. Surely there is SOMEONE out there who could set up a sing-along. The neighborhood just spent hundreds (thousands?) of dollars on Halloween hoop-la so surely it could spare some time and energy getting together a caroling group based on the birth of the Son of God!


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