Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!

 Okay--yesterday was my day for sorrow, but your girl has recovered now. Move on, Fiorella!

.......Or maybe you should stay in place and get ready for Christmas. That big window out front has yet to be decorated, and you need to do something about hiding the cords leading from your age-old family Santa into the socket in the hallway. Then there's that front window that you tore your Ukrainian sunflowers off of so you could replace them with more of a Christmas message, if you ever think of what to say.....

Has Fiorella always been like this was at Christmas time? As I remember, she had plenty of energy at Halloween......

Maybe her current malaze is because she's not doing any singing this year. Yep, Fio's still more or less recovering from that horrible head cold she's had for about two months--but not recovering enough that she can join the rest of the choir.  (Honking coughs are not appreciated in the soprano section.)

Oh well, your girl still has eighteen days to recover herself and who knows what might happen next?😁


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