Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Christmas Memories

The best part of your girl's day came in the morning, when friend P, who lives in Vermont, called for a  pre-Christmas chat. Yes, you're beginning to catch on: Fiorella likes talking with people, and two of her teaching friends calling her up so close together had her thrilled to the bone.

 So then, was it any wonder that the rest of her day was something of a let down? Chasing a doctor that she's not fond of all around the cobbler's bench (by way of Walgreen's phone) to get her to continue to prescribe a med that she herself had put on Fio in the first place was not how your girl had wanted to spend so much of her afternoon.

And then there was the weather itself--a bit cold, and not a sunbeam (or person) to be seen. How could Fio put together the joyful declaration of Christmas she was planning to display in her salon window with everything looking so dismal? And the memories of those she had no longer with us?

But it's evening now, and tomorrow's a new day. 

Love, Fiorella

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