Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Christmas Tatters

 You hoo, it's Fiorella, and she has a bee in her bonnet: what would you think of your girl starting up a TV talk show featuring....uh....more mature....visitors? We could find old friends and make new friends, give each other advice, and most of all, we could laugh and laugh and laugh.

OOOPS--Your girl intended to post the above question yesterday, but it still holds--even though she accidentally took an extra coumadin pill yesterday, which wasn't a good thing to do, but there aren't any ambulances lining up in the driveway so Fio is somewhat relieved. 

How did it happen, you ask? Well, your girl asked what day it was when she was journeyed so fast and furiously from one day/place to another--Walmart for Christmas cards, plus a few other things, then a horrendous visit to H-E-B which, of all things, was out of Shredded Wheat.

Of course your girl was late, late, late for her family gathering--and couldn't find her gift$ either. At the second family meeting, Fio had a good time until everyone grouped together and Son L decided Fio needed to rest in the very same small room she'd lived in during her escape from the Great Freeze of last year. (Or was it two years? Needless to say, her memories of nearly freezing to death are not what she chooses to be exact about.)

Changing the subject completely, Fiorella finds herself, as she looks around her bedroom, staring at a photo/portrait of her father's father when he was a young man coming to America. The picture was in bad shape when she first saw it years ago, but Fio restored it beautifully--if she dares saying so herself. 

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