Sunday, March 1, 2020

Transportation, Writing, House, Doggie, Fire

And Fiorella thinks she has problems--her sweet donella 's car slid on the ice during central Texas's recent cold snap and is now undriveable. You can bet that Fio, who is heavily involved with dealerships right now, will be looking around for a good bargain for her.
Things are looking up for Fio's writing career. She seems to have at last stumbled upon how to use Apple SAVE, although she still doesn't know how to command a PRINT.
     She's also figured out how to adjust Lolly's story, which she wrote five years ago, to today's world. Be on the look-out.
Fiorella is moving steadily forward forward in regard to clearing out the house. She's been emptying drawers like crazy lately, which means a lot of items are sitting on her kitchen island for either her kids to claim or The Caring Place to profit from.
     One of the most charming items is a collection of Scottish songbooks and dances, which Fio hopes will find a loving home. Any takers? OOPS--Bastrop son just made a bid.
Now that Fiorella has a four-door car again, she can take Sonia Dog to the veterinarian for her yearly check up and shots, but she hopes it won't be the same kind of hassle she had last year when Doggie, recognizing where she was, refused to get out of the car.
     The assistants, all fragile young women, are afraid of sweet Sonia. Aren't they at all educated about different types of canines? Mastiffs bark like crazy, but do not bite.
Every time Fiorella thinks she's made her last fire for the season, the weather turns and she has to haul in lena again, partially because she's chintzy and doesn't want to turn on the heat, and partially because the pyromaniac in her likes to watch a fire.🔥🔥🔥

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