Saturday, March 21, 2020

Random Thoughts about This and That

Sonia Dog follow has taken to following Fio around like a shadow and whining like there's no tomorrow. Maybe she senses Fiorella's growing anxiety, or maybe she knows something that Fio, who is tearing apart the house looking for information needed for her tax return, doesn't.
   Of course, it could be that Doggie smells the chocolate Daughter included with Fiorella's rations.
Grrrr.....Fio wasted a good hour or more making arrangements to have her year-end credit card summary mailed to her and most of her time was spent with Chase which, as it turns out, will not send a year-end summary by mail, which means your girl will have to call her friends at the local Chase Bank and ask them for help. Don't you just love the way technology has made everything more complicated? 😈
Fiorella is trying to get the tax stuff together, which she's done for years, but she seems to have forgotten a lot of her hard-won know-how, probably because her mind sort of blanked out when Husband died and the legalities beat her to a pulp.
Strange noises were coming from Sonia's favorite bathroom as Fio wrote this blog so she paused in her meditations to check on what was going on. As it turned out, Yours Truly had not left the toilet lid open for Sonia to refresh herself.
Talk about an economy--the US is going swiftly downhill, and Trump's only answer is to try to squeeze money out of whatever is left. We could become a third-world nation in a month, and King Trump would still be saying everything was hunky-dory.

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