Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Hurry, Hurry, Scurry, Scurry!

FIORELLA IS MAKING PROGRESS WITH THE MAC! She can now find the story she is writing (blue W), choose her preferred font and its size, and SAVE, but she's still having trouble with line spacing--which is why she will be visiting Wired Wednesday in the local biblioteca this afternoon.
Busy girl that she is, your Fio has also cleaned out most of Husband's office. Now she needs one of the guys to look at it and help her figure out what to do with what's left.
Fiorella has quite a social calendar today: Evelyn at 10:00 and Paula at 10:30, then Rachel, her library friend, in the afternoon. This is quite a change from when she goes days without speaking to anyone but Sonia Dog. Hope it doesn't rain (on her parade).
Fiorella is concerned about all of us regarding the Coronavirus, but especially the children in lock-up. Think about it.
Did Fio tell you she had found a tablet of notes that Mother had written about Dad's family, her family, and Fio's and her brother's childhood? What a wonderful legacy--even though Mom put Yours Truly in the wrong role in Baylor Children's Theater's production of Wizard of Oz. Fio was the Good queen of the North, not the wicked Queen of the East (which was a larger and much more interesting role, as played by Forestine Feazer.)

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