Saturday, March 7, 2020

7 de marzo

Just to show you how weird your Fio is, she, whose family had a TV before anyone else on the double block had one, who would lie on the floor in front of the TV when she did her homework,  who always had her favorite shows, now doesn't turn it on till 10:00 so she can keep up with the news, the weather, and Colbert.
Fiorella does not understand why television people pay pros to redesign and decorate their homes. For Fio, doing it herself is a joy. She got the bug from her mother, of course--a woman who never let a Better Homes and Gardens left untouched.
Hoping Biden will roll us back to the days when the public good was more important than personal gain. Also hoping he can get a good VP in case he doesn't make it through the term. A lot of people are clammaring for a woman in that role, but Fiorella has never supported the idea that a person should be thrust into or barred from office because of his/her sex.
 Fiorella is glad the Democratic debates are over, although she didn't watch them because she doesn't like to see people tearing other people down, especially, if it's about something they said or did years ago. People change as situations change.
Even though Fio disliked the red-meat debates, she thinks the myriad display of so many moving targets was clever protective gear.

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