Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Blame it on the Corona Virus!

Your faithful correspondent is going crazy at the idea of solitary confinement, probably for THREE MONTHS, in her own house. Yes, she loves her house, but she also loves hopping in whatever car she has at the moment and driving off to where people--real live people are--so she can reestablish herself as a member of the human race. But noooooo, she has to stay locked up like a criminal, and Fio has no long hair for a prince to climb up and rescue her from her durance vile.
     To make it worse, her confinement is all for the best. Fiorella's in the age-danger range (although she doesn't look that old!) and her friends and children want her to to stay around a while. Yours Truly wants herself to stay around a while too, but she also wants to gad about, if for no other reason than to escape now and then from her over-whelming responsibilities--the income taxes, the legalities (which STILL aren't finished), the packing up of the house, etc.
     No one is being mean to her--on the contrary: everyone is being very kind. Friends have volunteered to bring whatever she needs, Daughter is scouring the countryside for food to appease the palates of Fio and Doggie, and her sweet yardman has made her promise that if she needs anything, she'll call him.
     But what Fiorella wants, they can't give her--RELEASE FROM PRISON!
    (Well, she also wants to blame the virus for her cooking up her last box of Carnation Christmas Fudge and making her a little sick on it.)

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