Sunday, December 1, 2019

Paper, Fiorella's Daily Ncessity

Fio's received her first Christmas card, which means she has to start decorating. Now if she can just find the envelope containing the giant red and green snowflakes she tapes to the windows to announce the holiday every year. Dang! She spotted it a month ago in the garage and moved it to a more obvious location, which she now can't find.
     Fio's also lost track of a blog she's written about gun violence from a personal viewpoint. Hopefully, it will turn up, but she's already gone through all the notes tucked in the back of her tablets, and nada.  
     Then there are the ideas she's jotted down for this year's Christmas sonnet. Where are they? She saw them this morning....
     Did you notice that all three of these losses involve paper, a product that is necessary to Fiorella's happiness and always has been? During WWII, her father brought home reams of discarded quality-control pages from the plant so little Fio would have something to draw on. She also remembers when she was in about the third grade and squawked so loudly about there being no paper in the house that the next-door-neighbor overheard her and brought some over. (Thank you, Mrs. Johnson.)
     Yes, Fio is a paper fiend and if those snowflakes don't show up. she'll be up till the wee hours cutting more of them--which brings you back to where this blog began.

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