Tuesday, December 10, 2019

From Donella to Downsizing

Fio loves su donella. Like everyone who has a maid, Fiorella runs around the house like a mad woman before her hired help arrives, cleaning up obvious messes and putting everything in shape as much as she can, but her donella is the one who not only makes everything sparkle, but helps Fio lug in firewood into the house.
Speaking of firewood, Fio is proud to say that because she knows how to start a fire in the fireplace, she hasn't had to turn on the central heat even once, despite the abnormally cold autumn. 
Sad to say, Fio had a GERD attack last night, sweats and all, and it was her own dang fault. She walked into H-E-B with the intention of preparing for Christmas dinner, but walked out with a bag of Pinwheels, then ate most of them on the way home. And she is not repentant.
Did Fiorella hear someone ask her about this year's Christmas sonnet? Well, it's on track so far--it's got a nativity theme, and first two lines and the last two lines have been set in steel since day one, but the in-betweens are still a little sloppy. You can only have so many angels flapping around before the story gets stupid.
Downsizing....Fio knows what the word means, but never thought it would apply to bigger-and-better her. What is going to happen to all her treasures?

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