Monday, December 2, 2019

From Ernie to Fudge

Fiorella, who's been towing holiday decorations in from the garage all day, plagiarized Tenneesee Ernie's lyrics:
      Sixteen bags
     And much to my sorrow,
     Sixteen more bags
     Left for tomorrow
     St Peter don't call me 'cause I can't pause
     I'm preparing for the arrival of Santa Claus
Fio played around with her Christmas sonnet today, but it's early stages and she doesn't know whether or not it will work out.  Some poems come to her immediately, some take a couple of weeks, and some never leave the dock.
Those dang paper snowflakes are still missing, despite Fio caving in and, with the idea that like attracts like, cutting out two new ones.
Yes, your girl is going to put her CHRISTMAS GREETINGS sign at the front of the driveway again, despite her experience last year when some idiot stole her campaign signs, then stole the sign she put up rebuking the theft. The GREETINGS sign did stay up last year, but who knows what will happen this year. Fio has not exactly made herself the belle of the ball.
Fiorella and Husband used to cook up a box or two of Carnation's FAMOUS FUDGE each Christmas so, to honor his memory and delight her own palate, she bought five boxes of it at H-E-B. Following the directions on the side of the box was a little hard to manage with just two hands and two eyes instead of four of both, but, although Fio overcooked her first batch last week, her second batch, which she made yesterday, turned out perfect and was exactly the fuel she needed to drag he rest of the boxes and bags into the house.

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