Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Christmas Cards and Chocolate

Fiorella put the of Carnation's Famous Fudge on the kitchen island, but that's as far as she got. Another busy day, first tending to the house--she has two major swags up--then taking off to Austin to get her somewhat shaggy hair given a once-over by the miraculous Deborah.  On the way home, Fio stopped at eight houses in her neighborhood, tied an assortment of Christmas candy on their doorknobs, and visited with the friends who were available. Remember, it will be Fiorella's last Christmas in her rural haven.
Before she took off on her jaunt, Fio picked up her Christmas cards, but balked at the extra two days and additional $$$ it would take for Fed-Ex to fold them so she now is trying to work out a good, simple way to do so herself. Hope she doesn't have to go back to Fed-Ex with her tail between her legs.
Somewhere along the way, Fiorella bought red-robed chocolate Santas that she'll pass out to various friends in days to come. And then there's the Christmas gelt....
Oh, she forgot to mention that she's also planning to stop in at Lamme's Candies and buy some of their special chocolate to send to a cousin in Ohio who's done something to her knee cap. Remember, CHOCOLATE HEALS!
Some Christmas gifts are all year round, like nurse Marie Valerio, who kindly comes over to Fio's house monthly to check on her blood thinner because Austin Heartless won't do it in the office any more and your Fio can't bring herself to deliberately stick a needle in her finger. Her mother didn't raise her that way.

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