Monday, October 14, 2019

Two Small Bits and a Large Piece

Fiorella is in a tight squeeze to get her IRS payment to the Treasury Department by the 15th, but, as you know, a couple of recent happenings--like her hospital stay and continuing recovery period--have slowed her down.
Ha-ha--Minnesota Son, who threw a hissy fit when Fio left her charge cord in the hospital, left his own charge cord at her house after his visit. Let's see how long it takes him to realize it😄
Fiorella had a long, involved journey dream last night in which she, her face still purple and yellow, was driving down a road and stopping at strange places for help, not necessarily about her wounded face, although it played into the motivation somehow. After a couple of weird adventures, which are fading fast, she ended up in some kind of ladies-of-the-night bar, although it took a long time for her to realize what was going on, partially because of the supermarket cash-register checkout at the front door.
       Anyway, to make a long dream short, the ladies were all concerned about Fio, her injuries, and her needs. and Fiorella was very grateful to them.
       What did the dream mean? Well, obviously, Fiorella is concerned about her recovery and wants to find an immediate cure for her current condition. Also, that she's aware she's on a "journey" now: her life turned upside down when Husband died, and that it's still changing every day as she prepares her beloved home for sale and tries to lay out plans for her future. It probably also indicates she's a little lonely too, and craves company. And, of course, that she has a romance writer's vivid imagination and can't help but stick some sex ual aspect even into a dream.
       Whatever, Fio must move forward, no matter what. 🧡

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