Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Day in the Life of Fiorella

Fiorella is convinced that a mischievous gremlin sneaked into her house last night because her yellow list, the one she puts together the night before to guide her the next day, is missing. GRRRRRRRR!
       Where, O where is my yellow list gone
       Where, O where has it gone?
       With its blue lines cut short and its red lines long
       Where, O where has it gone๐Ÿ˜•
Fio had a great time visiting at Starbucks with friends Ashley and Carol yesterday, especially since she's been living in Georgetown long enough to know which back streets will allow her to avoid the downtown traffic lights ๐Ÿ˜‰
As if losing the tablet weren't enough, Baby Car's brake light switched to red, which means Fio will have to rent a car for the duration--remember that the Queen Mary is still in the shop. Or rather,the Mercedes has just now been transferred to the shop after being hauled off a couple of weeks ago.  Your Fiorella will be putting in a sharp call tomorrow--if she can locate her tablet, the one that has all her important phone numbers on it. GRRRRRRRR!
Sonia Dog is distressed that the downstairs toilet still isn't working, but calling the plumber AGAIN is another thing Fio hasn't gotten around to yet. And then there's the laundry.....
OMG, Fiorella just found the tablet in the laundry room, where she now remembers she put it down while she sorted out T-shirts, slacks, shorts, panties, etc. As she finished the sorting, she discovered that a ball-point pen had also gone through the wash and unloaded itself on her clothes. Yes, Fio can't win for losing.

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