Monday, October 21, 2019

Doggie, Nephew, Facebook

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SONIA DOG, FIORELLA'S BOON COMPANION! Doggie is not only Fio's companion, but her comfort and protection. Mastiff's are like that.
Fio's in a better mood today. Nephew Barrett and his lovely wife visited this afternoon and helped her clean out more of the garage--well, they did it all because your faithful correspondent somehow got the hematoma on her forehead leaking blood again while she was luxuriating in the soaker tub earlier in the day After tabbing gently at the wound for a while, she stuck a folded piece of the toilet paper to the wound and vowed to take it easy--NO LIFTING--for the rest of the day. AND IT WORKED. Of course, the toilet paper is now glued to Fio's forehead, but she figures it will fall off when the time is right.
As you know, Fiorella is quite active politically on Facebook and some of her friends are too, on both sides of the aisle, but they value their friendship enough not to attack each other personally. The only "friend" Fio has had to block was a high-school classmate who questioned her intelligence and called her names. That same woman is still on FB, posting the most vicious memes that can be found, and screaming like a banshee. Fio, of course, is out of direct contact with her now, but occasionally picks up threads in other people's posts and chimes in to support them against the raging bull (cow?).
       Why does she do this? the rest of us pause to post picture of ourselves, our homes, our pets, our lives, but all XXXX posts is hate. Sad.

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