Sunday, October 20, 2019

Halloween, Heart, Birthday

Whew! Fiorella has divided all her Halloween candy into thirty piles, stuffed each pile into one of her old newspaper sleeves (which she knew she'd have a use for some day), and stowed it all in the refrigerator till THE DAY comes. Since she's decided not to wait at the top of her driveway this  year,  she'll give the packets out at the neighborhood party preceding the annual trick-or-treating.
        She's also finished lined up her family of Tide container jack-o'lanterns and placed them under the mailbox on the road. Let's hope they stay there--Fio is not exactly the most popular person in the neighborhood.
       Speaking of Halloween decorations, as she's said for what must to be the fiftieth time, she will finish the bat brigade today!
Fiorella forgot to tell you when she was in Austin on Wednesday, her heart was deeply moved by the sight of the Blind School students, about two hundred of them, on a sidewalk outing. Old and young, black and white, tall and short--all tapping their slender canes and having a wonderful time, especially the children, who were tapping back and forth between groups, bursting with excitement.
       But what made Fio break into tears was how the fast-moving North Lamar Boulevard traffic slowed to a respectful crawl so everyone with a cane could get across the street safely--no honking, no gunning of motors. And when the parade had finally passed by and the traffic started flowing again, to was at a slower speed, as if everyone was trying to preserve the beauty of the moment.
Sonia Dog's birthday is on Monday. It's odd to think that she outlived Husband. None of our other dogs did.

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