Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Gas Station, Slats, Garden, Holidays, Trump

Fio, what's new in your neck of the woods, you ask. Well, there's a lot of excitement--at least on my part--the gas station that's being built about three miles down on the other side of the road. I tend to wait too long for fill-ups, and besides that, it will make Moon Pies more available.
Fiorella is also excited about the metal slats that Fernando y su sobrino installed in her garden area yesterday. The edging separates the flower section from the new pathway. The next step is to water everything down so the flagstones sit better, then put something around them to even out the walkway so people won't trip on the edges of the rocks. For her part, Fio is planning to install a decorative garden fence to combat the armadillos--which have been VERY active lately--from pot-holing the garden in their eternal search for worms and grubs.
To complete the garden news, Fiorella is sorry to report that she thinks something is attacking her row of bushes again this year. It's gotten so bad that she's considering replacing them with a hardier species.
It's not even Halloween yet, and a Christmas advertisement arrived in Fio's mail yesterday.. And, speaking of Halloween, it's not even October, and Russell Stover has been on the Walgreen shelves (as Fiorella well knows) for almost a month. How about we just adjust all the holidays to coincide with the advertisers and holiday sweets?
Do you realize that almost 11,000 immigrant children are rotting away in Trump's concentration camps? Aside from them being a steady money-maker for his private-prison cronies, why? In the long run, what does he plan for them?

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