Friday, September 27, 2019

And What Have you Been Doing Lately, Fio?

Fiorella had to make a shopping expedition during the 100-degree heat Wednesday, and when she got home, Sonia Dog swarmed all over her, slamming her 130 pounds down in Fio's lap so she couldn't move off the couch, then initiating a loving tongue bath, which is when yours truly covered her mouth and nose with  her hand and wondered why she'd ever wanted a Mastiff.
       On Thursday, Fio spent four hours, divided into two trips, driving around in the hot sun. The firt trip was to the bank to get her claim on one of Husband's investments notarized for the fourth time, check out the new bookstore in town (ugh), mail some bills, and buy more fingernail scissors. The second was to take out the trash, go downtown to toss her old newspapers into the recycle bin, stop by DQ so Sonia Dog could get her weekly Pup Cup, and to drop yet another letter off at the post office. 
      Fio is hoping for a little breathing room today because she wants to visit Home Depot (despite her vow to never go there again) and check out theirground covers, then contact friends for the name of a plant they recommended for rocky ground. On Saturday, she'll prepare for Sunday morning's visit with Nephew Aaron, his bride, and their new baby🧡, then hustle around to get ready for Elder Son's midnight arrival.

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