Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Fio Makes Up for Her Lack of Technology

Fiorella is trying to post another one of her other nude studies, but, struggling with her lack of technological skills, may not get it up on line till later today. Meanwhile, have a good day 🧡
The above was written in late morning. The rest of Fio's time was spent in Austin, where she got her hair done for the first time in almost a year. She didn't arrive home till five-thirty, and a very large dog who was insistent that SHE CAME FIRST on everything. Thus, the nude is going to have to wait till tomorrow.
You may be wondering where nude models come from. Well, some are college students who need extra money, some are pros who see it as an easy way to make a buck, and a few, from what Fio could tell, were exibitionists. Interestingly enough, there was an unwritten rule that we would never try to engage them in conversation. They were models, not friends.
Well, Fio, how did your hair appointment go, you ask. It was wonderful. There is nothing like catching your stylist up on your own life and in return, hearing about hers. Fiorella even showed friend Deborah the Family Book,  explained the family origins, and told her about the family reunion.
Now to read the newspaper. Yes, Fiorella. who begins every day reading the paper, did not have that luxury this morning. Instead, she was outside monitoring the crew that was trimming or removing whatever trees of hers that were in the County right-of-way. Strangely, while only about eight trees were slaughtered, Fio counted at least ten guys in hard hats--she suspects that the extras were there to hold her off if she tried a "Woodsman, spare that tree" on them.

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