Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Day in Review

It's six o'clock and all's not well--
My plans for the day are shot to hell

Yep, Fio's lost the bright blue folder that contained all her voter registration material.
Fiorella likes to stay busy, as she has often said, but she'd rather be doing what she wants to do rather than what she has to do. Hope is rising, though--she's nearly finished with the 2018 taxes now except for the final accounting and paying the (gulp) bill.
       She also has to pay for the new plumbing system and expects to rack up a whopping big charge when her land-line phones are repaired or replaced:
      Telephones, taxes, toilets
       I'm besieged at every turn
      So is it any wonder that
       I burn, I burn, I burn?
Happy days are here again! Fiorella finished off the income taxes this afternoon--well, except for the medical stuff she forgot about, which she'll do tomorrow. At any rate, everything should be in by October 15.
Did Fio tell you that the next thing she's planning to tackle is her in-and-out land-lines? She's got AT&T's local address and is planning to beard them in their den tomorrow.  It really would be nice to have a phone conversation that isn't cut off in mid-sentence.
More and more, Fiorella is thinking of stories she'd like to write and get out there Having a fair number of friends and followers on Facebook should help her, and she'll consult other writer friends for more marketing ideas. It's odd, but Fiorella, who's not shy in other situations, has a hard time tooting her own own horn. She just wasn't brought up that way.

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