Tuesday, September 17, 2019

From Flagstones to the Future

Your Fiorella has been having a great time rearranging the flagstones that friend Frenando y su sobrino laid out rather haphazardly, which is what you would expect from two guys who had been handed the job with no instructions except where the pathway should start and end.  Fio studied the design from inside the house for a couple of days, then went outside and started relaying the stones in a loose jig-saw style. She's quite pleased so far, although she may have to lug home a few more flagstones to satisfy her artistic sensibilities.
Last year a pipe broke in the ceiling, and now there's a problem with the water pressure thing that's maing the toilets sing and dance. In addition, Fiorella's land-line phones don't seem to be accepting any calls unless they're from telemarketers. GRRRRRRRRRR!
Don't hold your breath, but Fio is getting closer to the finish line regarding her 2018 taxes. The cloth on top of the dining room table is three quarters visible again, which means that Fiorella may soon be free to investigate what she can of the Rusyn language, put together her maternal genealogy,  compose a few more acrostics, and finish off Lolly's story, which has been in waiting for about five years.
       Unfortunately, it's more likely she'll be spending all her time organizing the remains of her life  and fixing up the house for sale inside and out.
       On the other hand, Fiorella did not eat a single piece of chocolate today--WAHOO!

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