Saturday, September 21, 2019

From Thrill to Pill

Fiorella, the woman of many moods, is thrilled right now. She just got back from a trip to Walgreen's for her yearly flu shot, and two women who were waiting in line--actually we were all in chairs along the wall--noticed her DUMP TRUMP button and gave her a thumbs up. Fio immediately flourished her plastic bags full buttons, and they each took a button and seemed very excited about them. The tide is turning.
Speaking of politics, Fio has committed to walking in the Georgetown march at noon today, but her attendance depends on when her maid shows up at the house. Raquel is perfectly capable of handling everything herself, but Fiorella doesn't want to miss the chance of enlisting her to haul several ten-foot-long slats to the house in the back of her pick-up. Yep, Fio needs them to to edge the new pathway. There will probably be some fencing that needs transport too.
The down spot of Fio's day was when she answered a phone call from the in-between-company that Austin Heartless hired because they thought that mechanizing and technologizing would increase its profit. The recorded voice asked questions that Fiorella answered appropriately until the voice asked when she was going to have her next finger prick, and Fio said not till next month. Your faithful correspondent was immediately forwarded to a human being with a very nice telephone voice who questioned her further and didn't like her answers, especially when she said she has a friend who punctures her finger for her instead of doing it herself.
The IRS thing seems to be drawing to a close, but how many times have you heard Fiorella say that?
Fio's stomach is giving her problemas denuevo. She's hoping it's because of her distress about the taxes and that by October 15, the late-return deadline, she'll be able to gorge herself on Russell Stover's chocolate-covered marshmallow Halloween treats with no aftereffects.
      Or that there will be a morning-after pill available.

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