Friday, June 21, 2019

Magic Beans, Undercover, Jack-in-a-Box

Fourteen pills I take each day
Blue and white, pink and gray,
Fourteen pills on which I rely
To keep me healthy, fit, and spry
I am a mermaid, but no one knows
I hide my scales in calicos
I hide my tail 'neath long, loose clothes--
I am a mermaid, bit no one knows
     A ship comes near 
     And sees me here
A crash, a wail, a conch shell blows
Twice 'round she sails, and down she goes--
I am a mermaid, but no one knows
Here's how to suffocate a clown:
First, you push its head way down,
Deep, deep into the box
Until the mechanism locks

Then you tuck the box away
Where you wish for it to stay,
For Jacks are troublesome at best,
Embarrassing when there are guests

When all that I have said is done,
Hold your tongue, and tell no one--
Tell not a soul what you're about
For he might let that damn Jack out

And that is how to handle the latter
A Fiorelle in the box is a different matter


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