Thursday, June 13, 2019

Computer, Nourishment, Eyesight, Analysis, Doctor

Ho-hum. the Mac will have to go into Click Computer Repair. It's been corrupted by some sort of bug that Fiorella can't get rid of, even with Command-Option-Escape.
Fio decided it was a total waste of gas to drive eight miles into town to buy a Moonpie, so she bought two of them.
Thank you, Mother, for teaching your daughter how to sew. Now if Fio can just thread the dang needle!
Daughter seems to be somewhat appalled by the coldness of the short-short Fio posted yesterday, but  Fio writes her short-shorts with the coldly analytic side of her nature. Strangely enough, she does the same thing when she is drawing nudes. Naked models are not people to her, but challenging lines and poses.
Wish Fiorella well. She goes in to see her heart doctor today, and he'll probably scold her about rejecting the home finger-pricking set up. Too bad. Fio is a doctor, not a nurse.

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