Thursday, June 27, 2019

From Frustration to Devastation

Fiorella is so tired of being frustrated--by the County, by Austin Heartless, by the settlement of Husband's estate still hanging over her, by the TV pulling a fast one on her, by not having a chance to have at last year's taxes, by not having the time to work on her own writing, by not being able to stop the horrible things that are happening to The Children. You name it.....
Unfortunately, the way Fio handles her frustration is by consuming large amounts of chocolate, which irritate her GERD, which means she can't sleep well and will spend half of the next day napping on the couch--which frustrates her even further.
Another irritation--Fiorella and Sonia Dog toured the area the stupid County massacred and discovered there is a pretty fair amount of lumber the work crew has yet to deliver to her, and it's not just the heavy stumps. GRRRRRRRRRRR!
 Meanwhile, the border situation grows worse and worse, especially for the children. Will they ever get out of jail? If so, will they ever be able to find their way in the world after the horror of being incarcerated in their formative years? And, let's face it--how many will never get out because their little bodies have been secretly buried or cremated?
Fo took an early evening stroll down to the massacre yesterday to take photos of the felled wood that is still on site--probably three or four loads worth--and, standing beside a half-slaughtered elm, was appalled once again about how much unnecessary destruction had been wrought on the land, the beautiful, beautiful land. 😢

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