Sunday, June 9, 2019

Five Plus One

Thanks to your prayers, Fiorella's missing libreta has shown up again. Where did she find it, you ask--well, uh, er, ahem,  under a wad of papers in the passenger seat of the Miata.
When Fio is richie, rich, rich, she will buy herself a computer slave so she never has to deal with those stupid machines again.
Nazi Germany
     They looked the other way
     And went about their day
     Because it was not they
     Being hauled away
People come in an array of hues--black, yellow, brown, and white, red and blue. Let us embrace each other and be glad of it.
Just when Fio thought she was finished with her post-death duties for the day and had settled down into working on her own writing for the first time in months, the phone rang. It was a call from an on-line company called Evine that Husband had an account with.  Apparently he'd bought an Invicta watch from them so now, for some unknown reason,Fio has to send out yet another death certificate. f
How wonderful--but exhausting. Fiorella spent at least an hour trying to trace down all her short stories on her Mac and only found five of them (but she knows there are more somewhere in the machine.) Along the way, she discovered a forgotten cache of poetry, which she promptly downloaded. You've probably figured it out--Fio is thinking about publishing everything herself. That way, it will be out there in the universe, whether anyone reads it or not.

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