Saturday, January 12, 2019

Reporting In on Aftermath

Despite the hurry-flurry beforehand, all went well at church yesterday. Fiorella and her contingent arrived before the pastor did, and, being Fio's offspring, they sprang into action, setting up the 16x20 picture of Husband on an easel, checking out the nave, and greeting whomever wandered in, friend or relative. 

The floral arrangements were gorgeous, and the attendance was satisfying--all the kin within a fifty-mile span, joined by several former Boy Scouts and several of Fiorella's and the children's friends. The music was beautiful, Pastor was sensitive, consoling, and inspiring, and afterwards, everyone was invited to the multi-purpose room, where they stuffed themselves with treats and sandwiches as they caught up on each other's lives.

Now Fio is home again, tending to her list of responsibilities plus a few more. Onward, Fio! Always march onward!

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