Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Christmas Past

Husband would be proud of Fio. She made un fuego en la chimenea yesterday afternoon and kept it going till bedtime.
Fiorella is blessed with good friends. She met with Friend Ashley in Georgetown yesterday and is looking forward to meeting up with Friend Paula in Austin today. It will be the first time she and Paula have  gotten together in about a month. Life--and death--have intervened.
Today will also be the day that Fio and Elder Son meet with the funeral home people to locate Husband's gravesite for the interment of the ashes on Friday. And the day when the new router is installed. And maybe the day that Son revs up the Miata again. (Fio thinks it's the bushings.)
Did Fiorella tell you that she's been wearing Husband's pulllover sweaters all week? They're not only warm and brightly-colored, but they make her feel secure.
Fio's started to take down the tinsel garlands along the driveway, and she hopes Son will lend a hand with the outdoor lights. That will take care of the outside decorations except for the beautiful rock her wonderful yard man gave her.

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