Sunday, July 2, 2017


Fio met Friend Patricia at the gucchi Starbucks yesterday afternoon for chocolate chip cookies... er, FOR A WHOLESOME SNACK. They discussed their dogs, their blogs, Fiorella's yard man, Patricia's horses, their families, and the importance of true grit. And that just about covered the watefront.
What will Fio be doing on the Fourth, you ask? What she does every day--try to keep up with her life, but Daughter and Austin Son will be visiting as well. Fiorella is blessed
Big Bang Theory, Lucifer, Bodies Bizarre, 600-Pound Life--all of Fiorella's faves are off for the summer or in reruns. Fio has a lot of other things to keep her busy, but she'd like to have a little of her favorite entertainment too.
How odd that a man with a face like a smashed pumpkin and the bodye of an overstuffed dumpling feels he has the right to criticize the looks of a rather pretty woman--or any woman, for that matter. But one would guess that someone who's never had to abide by boundaries never will. Sad.
Fiorella has never fully adjusted to the electronic world because it is based on algorithms, which are exact, step-by-step instructions, and Fiorella has always done things her own way, skipping rungs and leaping right to the top of the ladder. And algorithm or not, she'll figure out a way to continue skipping the stupid stuff.

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