Friday, March 17, 2017

Objective Advice

Okay, people, get ready for a grammar lesson because Fio is sick and tired of hearing people messing up when it comes to objective pronouns.  This is how it works: the subject pronouns I, we, he, she, and they change to the forms me, us, him, her and them when they are direct objects, indirect objects, or objects of the preposition. And if there is a second pronoun, IT ALSO USES THE OBJECTIVE FORM.

Mary saw me         Mary gave me the book          Mary gave the book to me
Mary saw us          Mary gave us the book            Mary gave the book to us                                           Mary saw him       Mary gave him the book          Mary gave the book to him
Mary saw her        Mary gave her the book          Mary gave the book to her
Mary saw them     Marry gave them the book      Mary gave the book to them


Mary saw me and/or us/him/her/them   
Mary saw us and/or me/him/her/them.  
Mary saw him and/or me/us/her/them. 
Mary saw her and/or me/us/him/them.   
Mary gave them and/or me/us/him/her.

Mary gave me and/or us/him/her the book.
Mary gave us and/or me/him/her the book
Mary gave him and/or me/us/her the book.
Mary gave her and/or me/us/him/them the book

Mary gave the book to me and/or us/him/her/them.
Mary gave the book to us and/or me/him/her/them,
Mary gave the book to him and/or me/us/her/them.
Mary gave the book to her and/or me/us/him/them.
Mary gave the book to them and/or me/us/him/her.

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