Sunday, March 19, 2017

Important Visitor

Today is the day Austin son and his family will visit Fiorella and Husband in the boondocks. It will be Baby's first long trip, and Fio can only hope there will be many more of them, that Granddaughter will have early memories of exploring the acreage with Gramma and Granddad.

A baby, at last. Fiorella, who loves children, had more-or-less adjusted to the fact that there would be no more young faces at the table, that the talents, skills, and DNA she herself had passed on to her children had reached a dead end. But now there is Baby, beautiful, wonderful Baby, and one-fourth of her is pure Fiorella, which sweetens the deal.

Incidentally, Baby is the first grandchild on both sides of the family, just like Fiorella. Hmm...    

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