Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hoping Against Hope

Fiorella keeps opening up Google Chrome to see if there's any information on the missing Malaysian plane.  What she's hoping is that at any minute the news will come that the plane landed safely in a jungle somewhere and the passengers have just been discovered trekking their way back to civilization.

Has Fiorella ever mentioned that she's a fiction writer who likes happy endings?


Pat O'Dea Rosen said...

I keep picturing the passengers sitting on a tarmac somewhere. They're hot and sticky but have water and are safe. The possibility of a happy ending gets us through the day.

Anonymous said...

If I really believed in God, I guess I would trust that they're all OK. Unfortunately, all the fervent prayers sent upwards don't seem to be working very well. At least, so far. All I hope is that the people on board that plane never knew what happened and died a quick and painless death. Including the poor little infants and toddlers ...