Thursday, June 14, 2012

Medical Day

It happened today.  Fiorella's scorpion-stung toe turned red and swelled up like a baby sausage.  And it HURT.  But before she could get to a doctor, she had to drive over to the local emergency room to be with Son, who was having painful stomach spasms.  Four hours and loads of tests later, and they still didn't know what the problem was, but he was given a prescription for pain medication and told to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist because it might be his gall bladder.  

Fio then took off for her coumadin nurse, who graciously saw her early because Fio had made a toe appointment with her PCP on the south side of Austin for 3:45.

 It's now five and Fio is home at last.  Amen.

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