Saturday, May 14, 2022

What's Going on in Fiorella's Life Today

 Your girl's yellow tablet is full to over flowing with self-assigned tasks, so, of course, she's added a couple more--like asking Son L to hang the full-length mirror that she was somehow able to edge in between the wall and her chest of drawers. Yep. Fio leaves no space unused.😁

Fiorella is hoping Son can drive her over to HEB today for a grocery run. She's down to crackers, wilting grapes, and an apple right now. Of course, that delicious-looking salmon is still in the refrigerator and hopefully, it hasn't spoiled, but will the kitchen be available?

Right now, your girl is lounging on her bed, writing to you and waiting for the TaskRabbit guy who's supposed to replace a slat on the bottom right of her bed--the slat that Son L cracked open when he sat down on the edge of her bed too abruptly. Of course, the bed being an forty-year heirloom didn't help. 😁

 Maybe it's just her hopeful imagination, but Fiorella thinks her stupid carpal tunnel is beginning to subside. PRAY FOR HER!

 Fior admits it--she is desperate for friends--people who will laugh at her jokes, whom she can exchange ideas with, who share some of her interests and background, who respect her abilities and can help her  adjust to her new life.  Please....



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