Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Sort of Mess of an Entry Today....

 Hip, hurray!Your girl spent about three hours searching out a really good comedy she'd seen on TV and actually found it! SOAP is the name and it's got a star-spangled cast, lots of laughs, and a happy ending, all of which gave her some ideas 😁

 Apparently, Fio messed up what pills she's supposed to take so she'll have to go back to the doctor's office next week and get everything straightened out. In the meantime, there isn't much to do but practice piano, which burns your girl's carpal tunnel fingers, or start on a new romance story that she's been dilly-dallying around with in her head. Guess which one she chose?

But Fiorella, you say, what do you know about murder mysteries aside from Nancy Drew, Miss Marple,  Miss Fisher, those old-time Angela Lansbury shows? To which your girl replies that murder has no regulations, just an evil within.

On the other hand, Fio could up the humor level on her stories or even increase the sexual content...hmm

Whatever, she'll also be sure to get herself straightened out with her pills and piano practice sooner rather than later.




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