Sunday, June 21, 2020

One Thing After Another

Fiorella was so upset Friday night that she couldn't sleep so she took a hot bath, which usually relaxes her, but didn't this time.  Then she tried to watch dumb TV shows (which seem to be the mainstay of Saturday TV), then went upstairs to bed, and finally fell asleep at about 2:00.  Four hours later, Sonia dog wanted out, the phone rang, and the alarm went off, and Doggie went bananas. Fio missed the call but she'd heard enough of the message to know it was her yardman.
      As soon as the hubbub subsided, Fio  called Fernando back and made arrangements for him to come to the house to mow the dry creek.
      All went well. He and his helpers not only cleared the creek, but also mowed along the road. More important, Fiorella showed him what had been done on the pathway, the construction of which he will be taking over soon.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *
Somewhere in there, Fiorella went outside to pick up the newspaper, only to discover it was soaking wet, which was interesting because, ironically, it is usually double-wrapped in a plastic bag.
Later in the afternoon, Fiorella went outside to check out her forest and--surprise--the rain started up again. Not only did her carefully coiffed hair wilt like celery past its prime but she learned from su vecino (Spanish for "her neighbor") sto (Russian for "that") the County was supposed to have removed the wire fencing enclosing the rocks across the dry creek a couple of months ago.
     Now, if you'll excuse her, Fio has to go claim her morning newspaper and begin a new day-- which she hopes will be a little less dramatic than today.
As you've noticed, this post has slipped to the side of the page. Sorry, but your girl doesn't know how to make it behave itself.

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