Saturday, June 13, 2020

From Doggies to Contemplation

Fiorella was outside illegally watering her plants when two primo German Shepherds bounced onto the scene. Sonia barked at them a couple of times and they barked back--obviously some sort of canine code because then they allowed Doggie to  prance around with them for a couple of minutes, then lost interest when they sniffed her rear and discovered she'd been spayed. Fio called Sonia back from the young dandies, who seemed to be heading down to Neighbor Mike's three-dog household and called Mike, who said he knew where the young scamps belonged and would return them to their owners.
   Ah--country living!
What with the German Shepherds, the telephone check-up with her heart doctor, temporarily losing her phone, and the septic tank man finally showing up, Fio's day has been busier than usual. Hoping this means that the rest of it will allow her to work on Lolly's story. Now she understands why...Colette, was it?... stayed in bed all day when she wrote.
What about the heart check-up, you ask? Well, it was over the phone, so who knows what is going on with Fio's heart for sure, but the rip-snapping new doctor is going to be sending her the address of a place where she can get her blood checked. Wish her well.
 Remember that Fiorella said she was watering plants out front by hand? Guess what--it turned out that she hadn't turned off the spicket when she hustled Sonia Dog inside to escape the Shepherds, so now your girl will have swampland through to next week.
Fiorella's beginning to wonder if she'll be able to adjust to a world without the coronavirus. After all, with the kids taking care of her groceries and all of her appointments turning into telephone calls, she's had a lot more time to work on the house and write, write, write 🙂.

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