Friday, June 5, 2020

Hair and There

Isn't it interesting the way that whenever a new hairstyle comes out--bangs or no bangs, long or short, front part or side part, up or down--everyone flocks to it like geese? Fio has never seen so many women sporting long, luscious hair before, suddenly. Fake hair, anyone? It's been done in centuries past....
Your girl was born baby-blonde, but as she got older, her hair darkened to honey, then to brown. Pigtails were stylish for girls back then, so it wasn't till about the third grade that Fio's hair hung loose. Then, maybe in the fourth grade, a friend of Mother's cut Fio's hair into some kind of bob, and Fio burst into tears. For a couple of years after that, she was allowed to grow her hair long--until junior high, when her mother persuaded her to get her hair cut "to fit in." Later, when Fio was in high school, Mom bribed her to keep her hair short by promising that she could patronize an exclusive salon every month.
     After she was married, Fio let it grow long until she turned forty, when she decided it was time for her to  grow up and got it cut. Her hair has been shortish ever since, with a three-times-a-year visit to her stylist, but the virus has killed that luxury and your girl's hair is now shoulder length and getting longer by the moment.
     But Fiorella, why was it so important to your mother that you wear your hair short?
     For the same reason that Mom didn't want me to get her ears pierced or wear dangly earrings-because then people would think I was foreign.
Oh joy! Oh wonder! Oh, miracle of miracles! THE PRINTER CARTRIDGES HAVE ARRIVED! Now Fio will be able to run off her pages and do revisions. Lolly, your time has come.😁😁😁
Did your girl tell you that she's finished the story of her post-high-school adventures for her graduating class's newsletter? Well--almost finished it. Now she has to go over the pages a million more times to be sure everything is perfect. 
Fiorella's ballot arrived yesterday and she's mailing it today.😁😁😁😁😁

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