Sunday, August 11, 2019

Feom Colbert to Taxes

Fiorella likes to go to sleep with Colbert's monologue chuckles in her ears before she goes to bed, but all too often, the dang sports section in the preceding news program puts her to sleep--briefly. And when she awakes up, the last-night host is chatting with some stupid celebrity Fio doesn't care a fig about.  GRRRRR.....
Guess what? Texas has a neat scheme going to keep naturalized citizens from voting by not renewing their drivers' licenses. Apparently the reasoning behind it is that most naturalized citizens are Hispanic and will vote blue so their licenses and voting privileges have to be removed.
Your Fio had a showdown with Home Depot yesterday. A nice young woman helped her find the fencing and garden wagon she needed and pointed the way to the registers, which turned out to be electronic, of course. Yours Truly gritted her teeth as the two elderly men in front of her, a customer and an employee, exchanged laughs and stories. Finally, realizing she had small chance of getting checked out, and even less of chance to get her hefty purchase to her car, she took her hands off the bar of her customer cart and walked out. Home Depot lost about $150 on her sale, she figures, but then, the store not really geared to customer service. Fio will remember that.
Hooray for the library, the font of all knowledge. Fio walked in and asked the guy behind the counter to help her with her cell phone, which had decided it didn't want to forward her photos anymore. Daughter had tried to help her from long distance, and nothing had worked, but after a few tries, Robert, bless him, was able to get the phone working again. Viva la biblioteca!
The dining room table is cleaned off again, although now Fiorella has to figure out where to put everything she took off of it. Whatever, she's GOT to start on 2018's taxes . . . but not till next week😁

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