Sunday, May 12, 2019

Whatcha Up To, Fiorella?

Fio spent a couple of hours this afternoon sorting through her yellow notes and dividing them into six piles--Fiorella, Writing, Poetry, Murder Mystery, Languages, and Notes. The latter will have to be divided further at a later date because its envelope is overflowing.
Did Fio tell you that even with two pillows stacked under her, she can't see over the steering wheel clearly? And you wonder why she won't be keeping the Mercedes.
Fio suddenly realized that if she ditched her panties before dressing to go out, no one would notice, but if she ditched her bra, the whole world would notice.
Fioella can't always remember the year in which each of her children were born, but she remembers exactly what she weighed in at before each pregnancy.
Saving the best for last, Fiorella will be joining her Texas children and her grandchild for lunch in Austin today. HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY TO ALL 💗💗💗

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