Thursday, May 16, 2019

In a Better Mood Today

Hooray! Fiorella not only boiled three eggs in a pan on the stove yesterday, but cooked salmon in the oven for her supper, which was accompanied by a gingerbread cake she had whipped up by following the directions on the box. Unbelievable!
Fio's blood sugar test showed her up as pre-diabetic. She hastily explained to the nice young man on the phone that it was just from December through April--Russell Stover time.
Trying to locate and rescue her little red wagon, Fiorella took a look through the overgrown underbrush in and around the dried creek to the south. She'd parked it there before Husband died so it would be handy when she had time to gather more rocks for edging the driveway, then not gone back to it. Guess she'll have to ask for neighbor Michael to help. Fio not only wants to score more rocks, but she wants to make sure the low-water-bridge people, who should show up soon, won't trash her little wagon.
Speaking of trash, the woods on that side of the acreage are a treasure trove of lena y piedras. Yum!
Another beneficiary change is in the mail so there's only one to go. Next comes shaking down Ameritrade, consulting with Cook-Walden again, and trying to figure out what all the rest of the dang papers on her dining room table are about.

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