Wednesday, May 22, 2019

From Insomnia to Ear Music

Fiorella was still so upset by the neighborhood meeting that she didn't get much sleep Monday night, which means she didn't get much done Tuesday. Delivering the last of Husband's shoes to The Caring Place was about it.
"Yes, Guy, I'm your father," said Belesme, the villainest of all villains in Anita Mills' historical romance Fire and Steel, but Darth Vader, the villainest of all outer-space villains, said the same thing to Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back. So which villain declared his fatherhood first? Fiorella, a romance writer, had her money on Beleseme, but no, Darth won.  The Empire Strikes Back came out in 1980, preceding Fire and Steel by eight years.
Fio is somewhat alarmed by her PC all too frequently trying to persuade her to talk to it so it can "understand" her better. The last thing Fio needs is a machine that knows her voice...and can maybe reproduce it.
Another busy schedule tomorrow--Fiorealla is driving into Austin to meet with friend Janece, then set up end-of-life stuff with friend Bea, then have a restful afternoon with her hairdresser, friend Deborah.
On a personal note, Fio's finally figured out that the faint music she's been hearing for a while now is tinnitus. No problem--she likes it. Very soothing.

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