Monday, May 20, 2019


       In high spirits, Fiorella zoomed up the street to the Home Owner's Association meeting, a twice-a-year get-together that she usually enjoys. It gives her a chance to talk to old friends and maybe find a few new ones. But not this time. After a half hour of meats and treats, followed by a long-winded presentation by a uniformed officer from  the Georgetown police department, came an equally long-winded  summing-up from the chairman of the board, then a group foray into the idea that the HOA should, for the of sake of property values, meddle in how people take care of their acreage. Fio had thought she might say something if the topic came up, but was so hot and bothered by then that she let everyone else duke it out.
       It's not as if the property values in the enclave aren't going up on their own. The city is stretching out toward us, and if Fio can hang on long enough, she'll end up with a nice profit when she sells. Of course, she'll make a few of her own improvements along the way, like enlarging the back yard fence and finishing off the north fence. (But she will NOT cut down her trees!)
       The whole show was another example of how Fiorella can't deal with crowds. She was terribly restless and probably rolled her eyes far too many times, but with this stupid tremor, she can't express herself clearly, which meant she had to keep her mouth shut except for a few call-outs. 
        It didn't matter. Logic never wins.

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