Sunday, May 19, 2019

Household Adventures

Fiorella said she would bring a gingerbread cake to the neighborhood picnic, then forgot to take it out of the oven until an hour or two later, so you know who's going to be heading down to H-E-B bright and early this morning. There's probably a way to tell an oven how long to cook something, but that sort of knowledge died with Husband. Remember, Fio's only visits to the kitchen were as a casual visitor.
Now that Husband's clothes are out of the closet, Fiorella has to rearrange it to accommodate her own wardrobe, which has been greatly amplified by the inclusion of most of Husband's T-shirts. She tried on his cowboy boots too, but they were two sizes too big.
The legal stuff is still moving at the speed of molasses, with irritating glitches all along the way.  Fio has finally finished changing her life insurance beneficiaries from her husband to her kids, but the stocks and the probate are still hanging fire.
Girding her loins, Fiorella dived under the double desk in the den and pulled out the set of plastic drawers Husband had parked under it. Wow--photography equipment, another cache of ink pens, a mummified scorpion, and various things she can't identify, but Elder son will be here in a week, and  he'll know what they are.
Fio missed the Colbert monologue Friday night (yes, she fell asleep) and wanted to pick it up today so she did all the things D-in-L Jennifer had taught her to do. Everything was going great guns until the show suddenly cut off and Fio was advised to "refresh" her page. What the heck did that mean? She tapped all over the screen to no avail, and then the dang thing reverted to desktop. And you wonder what Fiorella has against electronics!

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