Friday, February 8, 2019

Updating Fio's Friday

It's a first! Fio followed the directions on the popcorn popper she'd bought on sale ($7) at Target and popped a big bowl of popcorn for herself. She won't starve after all!
Driving back and forth to Austin is a big, fat waste to time. How does one sign up for teleporting?
One of the first things Fio insisted on buying after she and Husband were married was a sewing machine, and, yes, Fiorella made many of her own clothes. She hasn't sewn in years, but maybe after her life gets organized again....
Hey, hey, hey--for the first time since Husband died, Fio did all her morning exercises--the weight-lifting, the plies, the standing push-ups--and she has to admit her back feels a lot better.
Sonia Dog has always taken a couple more steps more after being signaled to stop in her tracks, and Fiorella has always chalked it up to command taking a while to penitrate her massive mastiff brain. On the other hand, Doggie is johnny-on-the-spot when her food bowl rattles. Hmmm.....

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